Human Trafficking
By definition human trafficking is the commerce and trade in the movement or migration of people, legal and illegal, including both legitimate labor activities as well as forced labor. Human...
View ArticleDivorce Hurts Children
Over half of couples seeking a divorce still have kids living at home. Some parents don’t realize when they file for a divorce the damage and effect that it will have on their children. Divorce hurts...
View ArticleConcepts of sociology: affecting Life
In today’s society, it is easy to spot someone blaming themselves for the occurrence of their personal life problems. For example, a single-mother may blame herself for not being able to support her...
View ArticleDancing With Demons: Pathogenic Problem Solving
This paper explores the way in which we define and deal with social problems such as crime and proposes a new way of thinking about them. Criminality, poverty, illiteracy, addiction and child abuse are...
View ArticleThe Cherokee Assimilation
I am part of the great Cherokee nation; my people lived throughout the great lands east of the Mississippi. My people lived on these lands peacefully for hundreds of years, we were not a nomadic...
View ArticleImmigration
Discussion on immigration has been the focus point in many conversations for quite some time. Both citizens and government officials have noticed and have clarified that immigration has become a...
View ArticleExploring Racial Segregation in Holly Hills
De facto racial segregation is a common practice in the United States today. The civil right movement fought to abolish this practice. Winning its first of many legal victories in 1952 with the Brown...
View ArticleWhat is Stereotyping
A stereotype is a generalized perception of first impressions: behaviors presumed by a group of people judging with the eyes, criticizing ones outer appearance (or a population in general) to be...
View ArticleCauses of Poverty
“Most people have an idea of what it means to be poor. Many think of conditions such as hunger, homelessness, preventable diseases, unemployment, and illiteracy as elements of poverty ”(pg1;Alters). In...
View ArticleTeam Communication
As companies find that sharing ideas creates a more productive work environment, they are encouraging their employees to work as a team. Effective communication is a key element to build among team...
View ArticleThe Better Than Average Effect
The better than average effect is based on a cognitive bias that cause people to undervalue their negative abilities and qualities, while they overvalue their positive traits, behaviors and abilities....
View ArticleRape In America
In today’s society where crimes are committed daily, one of the most troubling things to deal with is the response by police officer, and what their job Intel’s. When a person looks at law enforcement...
View ArticleEvolution of Formal Organizations
Over the course of the last 100 years, the overall trend in thinking about organizational form and structure has been toward greater recognition, system complexity, and diversity. While the overall...
View ArticleDivorce's Affects Children's GPA
The first article that I will review to assist my research is by Mulholland, Watt, and Philpott. This article analyzes whether or not divorce will have an effect on the academic achievement of the...
View ArticleHomelessness in America
Homelessness in America - S.L. Smith Homelessness in America is a serious problem. I believe that our government does not take this problem as serious as it should. When I moved to Florida 15 years ago...
View ArticlePrejudice Against Gay Parents
Why is there so much prejudice against gay parenting?read more
View ArticleBi-Polar Article Review
The article that I choose was created by Himanshu P Upadhyaya and Mary C Fields and talked about bipolar more
View ArticleCapital Punishment
The use of capital punishment is believed to deter future acts of crimes and deter the number of people who commit these more
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